2012年2月21日 星期二

back to 1923,. 2012-02-21

I got a camera from 1923 occasionally.

It's a 35mm spring drove camera loaded with a 5m film cassette(250 frames), which designed for single shots, animations, projection and film duplication in a single block. From it's design of integrated functions, it shouldn't be something real professional but a device for professional backup or semi-amateur works;

After simple cleaning and lubrication, the camera seems working again.

I want to see how does a 90 years old camera work.

Since there is no way to develop a 5m strap in a normal lab, I loaded a 135 film into the cassette with some affords, then took some single photos and sequence shots. I spent the first 1/3 roll on single and manual continuous shots, the rest made the 3 seconds animation below.

It's a real experience to try out a 90 years old 35mm cine camera.
oh ya, I made a mistake..... there shouldn't be any color 35mm film in 1923.

2012年2月19日 星期日

懶懶的海, 2012-02-19


2012年2月17日 星期五





2012年2月2日 星期四


我生活在扭曲的都市 每天看扭曲的風景
人們繞著圈子找尋救贖 重覆得甚至忘記解脫
每天重覆進食虛假的食物味道 觀看煽情的映畫劇本 被餵飼各色滿帶虛妄的影像和藝術


活地亞倫說每個人心中都有個黃金時代 就連無線電視編劇都說這個城市正在死亡
我連忙詢問自己 真正的生命當該何如

和別人談話時我感到溫暖 看望風景時感覺寧靜 
我願我沒有掉進媒介的陷阱 沒有被虛妄吞噬
我願我誠實重視風景人情 把我們串連